Operational Details

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Processing Details

Turbinia can read Evidence from either cloud Persistent Disks, or from other Evidence types saved as GCS objects. Turbinia can also write output to GCS. Note that you can operate multiple Turbinia instances within the same GCP Project as long as you’re careful to make sure your config options (Pub/Sub topics/subscriptions, output paths, instance name, etc) don’t overlap.

Persistent Disks

Persistent disks are the default when processing disks that come from the Cloud. The account you run Turbinia as must have access to the persistent disks that you want to process, and those disks must also be in the same zone as the Turbinia workers. If you process GoogleCloudDisk Evidence with Turbinia, the worker node will attach the disk automatically before it runs its tasks. If you already have access to a persistent disk in a separate project, Turbinia can copy this into the project where Turbinia is being run.

Processing non-cloud disks in GCP

If you have raw disk images from physical machines or elsewhere that you want to process in the cloud, the best option is to create a new Cloud Persistent Disk, and then copy the image into the filesystem of the new disk. Then you can use the GoogleCloudDiskRawEmbedded Evidence type.

Another option is to convert the raw image to a cloud image, and then create a Persistent Disk from that and process it as the GoogleCloudDisk Evidence type, but this is not generally recommended as it requires zero-padding the disk to a GB boundary which can change the hash of the disk, and isn’t considered forensically sound.

One last option is to copy the image into GCS and process them directly from there, but the GoogleCloudDiskRawEmbeded option is generally recommended because this method requires setting up GCS FUSE, and this is less stable than using Persistent Disks. If you do choose this option you will need to configure all of your worker nodes to mounting your GCS bucket at a common path. Once your GCS bucket is mounted, you can process these images as the ‘rawdisk’ Evidence type.

Stackdriver Logging

Stackdriver Logging is automatically enabled for GKE deployments and will store all Turbinia logs in the Stackdriver Logging console.

Stackdriver Error Reporting

Stackdriver Error Reporting can be enabled within Turbinia, which would allow for full Traceback logging and alerting within the GCP Error Reporting console. Please note that Error Reporting will only alert on failures of a Task running on a Worker.

In order to enable this feature, please set the STACKDRIVER_TRACEBACK config variable to True within the .turbiniarc configuration file as illustrated below.

# Set this to True if you would like to enable Google Cloud Error Reporting.

Prometheus instrumentation

The Turbinia worker and server expose metrics based on Prometheus. The implementation exposes a port so monitoring systems can poll the server and worker to fetch running metrics. The configuration (listening port and address) are defined within the .turbiniarc configuration file as illustrated below.

# Prometheus listen address and port

By default it will listen on all interfaces on port 8000.

General Notes

  • Turbinia currently assumes that Evidence is equally available to all worker nodes (e.g. through locally mapped storage, or through attachable persistent Google Cloud Disks, etc).